Warmhearted humor, quirky relationships, and playful turns of plot distinguish this charming story collection from Phyllis Moore. So do the somewhat frivolous, somewhat valiant, and mostly misguided women of Moore's fractured world. Beautifully writt...
A MISSION TWICE DOOMED ... In the year 2132, World Space Coalition sent three ships to establish Earth's first galactic colony on the planet Akiane in the Pegasus Constellation. They were never heard from again. Three hundred years later, a radio tec...
Odds don’t look good World Space Coalition has reconnected with a long lost colony in the Pegasus Constellation, now gone rouge. The colony wanted to be left alone. WSC came anyway. Jecidia, one of the colony’s wise men, has suggested a Woden, a ...
It's Time to go HomeBook three is told in two different timelines-300 years apartThe Historical Chronicles is the history of how settlers from Earth became the People of Akiane.After 300 years, the second timeline is about the conflict of reuniting t...