To save the life of a child, James Marley searches desperately for the elusive, former radical Sarah Kleinhagen, responsible for the bombing of a government facility, and discovers that they are both being stalked by a ruthless killer...
In Austria, American tourist Ted Barstow and his beautiful tour guide, Erica, become trapped in a deadly game of international espionage when they discover sexually explicit photographs of a world-known government official caught in a compromising po...
"You've been following the news about the Janos Czerny trial" "Sure. The Agency screwed up. You left your courier out to dry" "It does look that way" "You want me to believe that's not what happened" "The clincher in the trial -- the evidence to ...
Every man wants to know the history of his country, the planet on which he lives. Since the beginning of the world until now, the people are fighting to preserve the planet we live on, but there are those people who do not want it, and then comes...
From a prison cell in Paraguay to attempted murder in London, to a doubly besieged castle in the Austrian Alps, Choice of Evils is a nonstop rollercoaster of suspense.Constanza Alvarado's only hope to free her father from torture in Paraguay is to ki...