A real life story of the NY police which takes you on a tour through the underworld of high-level narcotics enforcement. Well-documented and thoughtful study, wrapped around the fast action of moving surveillance through the world's greatest city. In...
Wealthy and powerful but unsatisfied, Wall Street broker Jeffrey Blaine is hungry for an opportunity to take his life somewhere it's never been before -- an opportunity that arrives with four young mobsters at his daughter's star-studded eighteenth-b...
August 1998 - High-tech is hotter than the California sun. The next great idea could be worth billions, or it could perish before it ever sees the light of day. In this Darwinian cauldron of creation and hype, it is often difficult to tell predators ...
For almost a year Detective Inspector Frank Hovannes and his partner Lieutenant Ernie Fleming, track Big Sallie Manzano, the East Side boss trying desperately to tie him to a hijacking and murder ring. Slowly his stability begins to crumble and in d...