Set off the treacherous Outer Banks of North Carolina during the final days of the First World War, Hatteras Light is the compelling story of the dedicated keepers of the Hatteras lighthouse and their tightly knit community. For generations...
In August 1898, Wilmington, North Carolina, was a mecca for middle-class Negroes. Many of the city's lawyers, businessmen, and other professionals were black, as were all the tradesmen and stevedores. Negroes outnumbered whites by more than two to on...
A series of torture-murders terrifies an Arizona town as Paul Pope, the chief of police, intensifies his desperate hunt for the killer, and a beautiful student of his college professor nephew suddenly disappears...
Nick Wolf is a public research specialist for NorthAm Oil Company, but he likes to think of himself as the company storyteller. Nick, who believes in the old-fashioned integrity of the people who run NorthAm, is sent to scout potential oil explorati...
Fiction. An 18-year-old driving up to Canada to escape the Vietnam draft, a lonely housewife trying to attract the ghost of a ten-year-old housemaid, a widowed professor of archeology trying to keep his head after a home invasion gone wrong, a 36-yea...