Stealing Thunder presents a thrillingly suspenseful alternative history. Set against the backdrop of the actual events that took place at Los Alamos during the development of the atomic bomb, Stealing Thunder gives voice to real characters such as...
A British expedition in search of a fabled lost city in the Polar ice cap stumble upon an ancient alien civilization. Transported deep within the earth they discover a race of beings who have been monitoring man's development for millennia. At fi...
In an Oxford hospital, intern Rajiv Mahendra encounters a patient with rare symptoms that are disturbingly familiar. In India, the disease is known as bubonic plague. The last time it occurred on a large scale in Europe, it was known as the Black Dea...
In the ruins of Gaza, the war-torn Palestinian city that has been a metropolis since the time of the Pharaohs, a plucky young female archaeologist has made a remarkable find: possibly the earliest known image of the Virgin Mary, created during her li...
At the age of 52, with a shoestring budget, a backpack, and an open mind, Peter Millar set about rediscovering the U.S. by following the ravaged and reduced railroad network. He traversed the continent, talking to people, taking in their stories and ...
The book begins in Downing Street but not as we know it: the year is 1949, the Allied Power's advance on Moscow in the wake of Nazi defeat has failed. Stalin's tanks are rumbling through London and Winston Churchill emerges from his bunker, draws a r...
The year is 1949 and the Allied Powers' advance on Moscow in the wake of Nazi defeat has failed. As Stalin's tanks rumble through the streets of London, Winston Churchill decides to put an end to his life. Fast forward to 1989 and England is divided ...
In this rambling odyssey set in the later days of the Castro regime, Peter Millar jumps on board the Cuban railway system, once the pride of Latin America. Starting in the ramshackle but romantic capital of Havana, he travels with ordinary Cubans, sh...