Author Peter Leavell forges an unprecedented tale of tragedy and triumph amid the backdrop of the Civil War through the story of Tad, a very clever slave boy who comes of age as America's war reaches the sea islands of South Carolina. Tad's desire...
Philip Anderson keeps his past close to the vest. Not many people in Mitchell, a small town in the Dakota Territory, would understand him living with the Sioux Indians who rescued him as a boy. Haunted by the murder of his parents as they traveled We...
Philip Anderson is a reluctant gunslinger whose fame has spread through the Dakota Territory. He can't escape his reputation as the hero who took down the entire Maxwell Gang, and he's even had a popular dime novel written about him. All Philip yearn...
Siblings Josh and Abby Hunter don't believe their parents' death was an accident. After taking pictures of the most incredible find of the 1920's-proof humans and dinosaurs lived together in the same time and place-desperate outlaws armed with tommy ...
Siblings Josh and Abby Hunter don't believe their parents' death was an accident. After taking pictures of the most incredible find of the 1920s--proof humans and dinosaurs lived together in the same time and place--desperate outlaws armed with to...