Three years have passed since the events portrayed in The Rose in the first volume of the Selanian Chronicles. Melina's sister, the former High Priestess, has vanished, and Melina's husband Talas is riddled with guilt because he believes he's to blam...
From the Deschutes National Forest in Oregon to the Suviltan Plateau of the planet Piral; from the beginnings of a tragic romance in the early 1980's to an imminent civil war 4,500 years in the past; The Emissary, the first volume of the Selanian Chr...
It's the spring of 1997 in Bend, Oregon, and Theresa has grown into a bright but treacherously beautiful young woman. But she would gladly sacrifice her long, golden locks and dark blue eyes to get rid of her ghastly premonitions. Things get worse wh...