Behind These Eyes is a story of a young man struggling against a fractured soul, forced to watch from behind his own eyes as his alter ego kills. It is the story of how he deals with the aftermath of these episodes and the story of his attempts to fo...
Stripped of his memories and trapped in the year 2044 Chris Nost must unravel the mystery surrounding his own murder. If he doesn't, history is at risk of unravelling around him. Weaving through history, rogue time agents, history thieves, gods, and ...
A dark comedy from the National Bestselling Author of Veronica Mars, Fast Times at Neptune High An epic battle is being fought between dying gods and supernatural creatures -- and the world is caught in the middle. The last five gods band together i...
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IN THE ARCANE AMERICA SERIESWhen Halley's Comet blazed across the sky in 1759, onlookers saw a sight far more spectacular--and disastrous--than they ever could have imagined. Destroyed in a magical battle, the comet is rent in two a...