In this coming-of-age story, Sam Grace, on vacation from prep school, is held hostage by the manager of a supermarket, nearly killed by a young couple he has befriended, and rejected by a beautiful former classmate...
Dark days for Hal Andrews, New York artist and scion of an eccentric New England family. His cat has just died in a plunge from his apartment window. His brother Beck, manic-depressive and hopelessly nostalgic, is about to marry Lisa Lyman, heiress t...
This spell-binding magical fantasy weaves a tale filled with action, adventure and intrigue replete with dark creatures and evil unstoppable forces. Join these colorful characters as Wizardess Marigold and friends battle for survival. Vastly outnumbe...
Death is a mystery, and people fear that which they do not understand. No one looks forward to dying, but it is inevitable. The mystery is, "Is there something or someplace where a person will go to after their last breath?" There are many beliefs co...