Set against the powerful lakeshore landscape of northern Minnesota, Safe from the Sea is a heartfelt novel in which a son returns home to reconnect with his estranged and dying father thirty-five years after the tragic wreck of a Great Lakes ore boat...
The story moves back and forth in time from the arrival of Thea from her isolated village in arctic Norway in search of a new life in the near wilderness of a small town and logging camp on the shore of Lake Superior to the travails of her orphaned s...
ONE OF HOUSTON CHRONICLE'S BEST BOOKS OF THE YEARFrom the acclaimed author of Wintering: a thrilling ode to the spirit of adventure and the vagaries of loss and love."A beautiful, big-hearted, triumphant novel.” -- Nathan Hill, author of ...
Now in paperback: a writer and former ski jumper facing a terminal diagnosis takes one more leapinto a past of soaring flights and broken family bonds A brilliant ski jumper has to be fearlessJon Bargaard remembers this well. His memo...
On the rocky shores of Lake Superior, a piercing story of selfhood and determinism develops: is the future what we’re handed or what we make of it? It’s 1910, and Theodulf Sauer has finally achieved a position befitting his ego: m...