Venice, its burden of years and the scale of its wonders, is the setting for the main elements of the story which begins on graduation day in '84 New York. It is in Venice, while on holiday, that Mary and John become involved in an alleged miracle wh...
The world of the Golden Cube teeters on the brink of a disaster, and is dominated by sexual obsession, televised sexual athleticism, and the idea that God is dead. All is not lost, however. The android king is benevolent, and encourages geniality, ...
It is the height of the Cold War and the two power-blocs stand on the brink of war. On a routine patrol, US bombers receive a coded message. Doomsday has arrived; the fight for democracy, freedom and bodily fluids has just gone nuclear... The officia...
…U.S. GENERAL RUNS AMUCK……H-BOMBERS ATTACK RUSSIA…PRESIDENT AND RED PREMIER IN HOT-LINE STRUGGLE TO SAVE WORLDDr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, more commonly known as Dr. Strangelove, is a 1963 political sa...