In 1683, the confrontation escalates between the Islamic army of Kara the Black, commander of the Ottoman Turks, and the Christian forces of Austria, until the final climactic battle is fought at the edge of the Vienna woods...
Just as fifteen-year-old East Berliner Erika Nordern is preparing for an important track competition, sinister police inquiries and the apperance of a relative believed to be dead indicate that her family has not yet escaped the shadow of long-ago Na...
After being forced from his meager family farm in Texas in 1871, thirteen-year-old Ben Curtis witnesses some of the excitement and cruelty of the Old West--on a cattle drive, in a frontier town, and on a buffalo hunt....
In July 1943, a car crash in Southern France strands Corporal Vito Salvani, who had been headed home after Italy's surrender, and a Jewish boy behind enemy lines, where they are stalked by the police and a crazed French agent....