Gerrard's Legacy A collection of powerful magical artifacts is the only defense against the forces of evil that are arrayed against Dominaria. Gerrard, the heir to the Legacy, together with Sisay, captain of the flying ship Weatherlight, has sough...
When Shade Enclave returns from thousands of years of exile in the Plane of Shadow, all of Faerun is open to its dark designs. When a tribe of kenku confront the archwizard who gave them magic but kept them as slaves, the skies rain death. When...
Read and listen along as Dorothy and her friend, Polychrome, find themselves on a road through some strange places, to the Land of the Winkies, and on to beautiful Emerald City. But why are they there, and how did they get there? Princess Ozma of Oz ...
This fascinating new book reveals the origins of the Vikings -- from Thor and Leif Erikson to Loki and the Valkyries -- and the tales that have influenced our own lives.For thousands of years, Vikings have held a storied place in our culture -- their...