This is a story of the aftermath of a severe EMP that shuts down the nation’s electric power grid and makes most vehicles unusable. Naturally this leads to devastating consequences for everyone. This story follows a group of friends and family as t...
This story takes place in Arizona after an EMP has shut down the whole power grid and rendered most vehicles inoperable. Centered around a man who when this event happens is trapped in a place with no home and no friends who eventually finds both alo...
This story is about the economic collapse of the US Dollar and the whole economy of the USA as lived through by a family in rural Minnesota. Naturally in the troubled times everyone in America is forced to face some severe hardships and while they do...
When the electric power goes out and does not come back on it causes unimaginable problems in the United States. Lee Rosen is living in New York City and has a hard time believing the drastic changes he sees all around him caused from just the simple...
This story centers on a pandemic of a very virulent and deadly strain of the flu. So deadly a strain of the flu that much of the population succumbs to this new disease. A small group of survivors in a hospital in Montana face the situation in which ...
When an unknown country launches multiple advanced EMP strikes against the United States it spells doom for most Americans and severe hardships for those few who manage to survive. To the surviving Americans it really matters not who launched this cr...
The once great United States has slowly eroded from within to become a very different place than what our forefathers had hoped for and even what our grand parents grew up in. Many in this country wished for America to shed the all the political corr...
The population of the Unites States is on edge. Most people are facing financial troubles and many do not see any way things will get better for them in future. Many are frustrated and angry at their personal situation and at the world in general. Te...
Following the Great Recession of 2009 the United States enjoyed several years of economic ‘recovery’. At least that is what our government and the media kept telling the nation’s population. Chip, a construction worker in Nebraska was not too s...
The second Great Depression came about from many factors. The non-existence of a recovery from the recession of two thousand eight, the war with the Islamic State, the bungling actions of the Federal Reserve Bank, and when things got worse the last s...
Four complete stories of apocalyptic disasters that befall the citizens of the United States by one of America’s popular apocalyptic fiction writers. Read how some Americans rise up to meet the challenges and fight to survive when disaster strikes....
When a massive CME strikes the Earth it changes everything in this highly technological world we are living in. One young couple is surviving and is waiting for our government to bring things back to normal or at least to supply aid for all the stric...
Four early stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. No Electric Survival is a story of the aftermath of a severe EMP that shuts down the nation’s electric power grid and makes most vehicles unusable. Rural Dollar Collapse w...
In a little different twist from my other books this story is about a young woman. Told in her own words it follows the trials and tribulations she has faced in her life from an early age. Just when it seems she has a handle on things and it looks li...
Four complete stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. The Cruel New World. When a magnetic storm destroys most all electrical equipment in the world it proves to be a severe catastrophic event. This story follows a gun as it...
After surviving several deployments in the military and even more dangerous work after leaving the military a man wants nothing more than to live a life of peace and solitude. Moving to the Black Hills region of South Dakota he finds the life he desi...
Four complete stories from one of America's most popular apocalyptic writers. Hard Times. After multiple terrorist attacks and a collapsing economy the incoming hurricane is the last straw and a man flees his town for someplace safe to ride out the c...
Five complete early stories from one of America's most popular apocalyptic writers. An Arizona Haven is a story of how a will to overcome obstacles and some common sense can mean all the difference in your very survival in this case after an EMP has ...
Five complete early stories from one of America's most popular apocalyptic writers. How I Survived WW3 is a story that follows a regular working man that happens to survive World War Three after making just a few preparations. The Carrington Event Re...
Three complete stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. Stormy Weather. The story of a young man living in Nebraska on his now small family farm who fights for survival after America falls apart. After the 2nd Great Depressio...
Four complete stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. The End Times. Two people from vastly different walks of life do what they can to survive after America tears itself apart from within. The Good Sam. A young couple livin...
A man living the life of a hermit by choice is surprised when he makes a rare visit to the nearby small town to find that there is no electric power there. He then learns that because of something that the sun did to our world that the electric power...
A young couple believes they have the world by its tail as they live happily together in their somewhat rural Minnesota home. Though they see possible economic problems ahead for many parts of the world they are at least somewhat prepared to weather ...
A bitter young man that is totally disenchanted with America’s government ekes out a living alone on a small homestead. Completely by chance he meets a young woman who also has no love for the government who made her a widow. They come together and...
Three complete stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. Dark Days. When hackers take out the nation’s power grid a young man and his family in Colorado try to cope with the loss of power. A Bright New Beginnin...
A husband and wife are just finishing a road trip vacation when what first seems to be just a local power outage turns out to be much more serious than that. They make it back safely to their little homestead and wait and wonder if their grown son wh...
A husband and wife decide to move away from the California big city life that is all they have ever known and raise their son in a very rural area of Idaho. They find it is a big change and find themselves changing their whole outlook and the belief...
Doug is mostly a typical American. He cares nothing about the news of the nation mainly because he knows he can do nothing about what is happening anyway. And the nation is heading into bad economic trouble whether Doug knows this or not. As things g...
Three complete stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. Viral Survival When a viral outbreak decimates the population of all the countries of the world a young couple in a northern state in America tries to weather the result...
When a solar flare plays havoc with all of mankind’s electronics, everyone suffers. One man, who knows the word “prepper” but has really done nothing about being prepared, now wishes that he would have done more when he still had the chance. ...
When Jake wins the lottery it changes his life. And his life needs changing too as a somewhat screwed up veteran. He starts to get his head on straight and then the nation’s economy starts to crumble. As things get worse and worse Jake tries to ...
This is a story of a teenager becoming a man over several years during increasingly bad economic times in the city of Cincinnati. With the living conditions in the city gradually growing worse as deteriorating conditions start slowly and gradually g...
Lars and his family feel safe in their rural house in the middle of America. But with North Korea constantly threatening the United States and now knowing that Korea does have long range ICBM’s and the nukes to fit them, things seem much more serio...
A drifter who stops near a Texas city finds a good job and decides to stay, at least for awhile. And that’s where he finds himself when a deadly pandemic sweeps across the globe. Texas is not spared and this one man does what he can to survive the ...
Three complete stories from one of America’s most popular apocalyptic writers. When The Bottom Fell Out A husband and wife take their young son and move from the big city life to a very rural house in Idaho. This forces big changes in their l...
A series of large earthquakes in wide spread areas proves to be just a warning for one twenty-four hour period of massive earthquakes that damages many countries around the world. This included the New Madrid Seismic Zone in the center of America. Wh...
A man is lucky enough to find the love of his life and marries her. He now thinks he has everything he has ever wanted and then the whole world around him collapses. The economy falls apart, and no one knows what to do about it as it gets worse and w...
Three complete stories of apocalyptic disasters that befall the citizens of the United States by one of America’s most popular apocalyptic fiction writers. Read how some Americans rise to meet the challenges and fight to survive when disaster strik...
Three complete stories of apocalyptic disasters that befall the citizens of the United States by one of America’s most popular apocalyptic fiction writers. Read how some Americans rise to meet the challenges and fight to survive when disaster strik...
After leaving military service a woman accepts the offer of her best friend to share an apartment with her in Portland, Oregon. After living there long enough to get mostly adjusted back into civilian life she starts thinking of leaving the area. Jus...
Three complete stories of apocalyptic disasters that befall the citizens of the United States by one of America’s most popular apocalyptic fiction writers. Minnesota Madness A series of large earthquakes in wide spread areas proves to be just a war...
When a large dense grouping of meteors strike the earth a man living in the city of Denver doesn’t think too much about it. None seemed to have hit the city he lived in but he soon found out that the many impacts will affect every man, woman, and c...
Our nation’s economy is on the ropes. Unemployment is very high and business closings are common. Then America is hit with a massive hurricane on the east coast at the same time a large earthquake hits the west coast. The two hits are too much for ...
Two complete stories of apocalyptic disasters that befall the citizens of the United States by one of America’s most popular apocalyptic fiction writers. Grandpa’s Cabin When a large dense grouping of meteors strike the earth a man living in the ...
Two complete stories of apocalyptic disasters that befall the citizens of the United States by one of America’s most popular apocalyptic fiction writers. Everyone Has Troubles A man wakes up lying on a cliff ledge and does not even know his name. H...
A man wakes up lying on a cliff ledge and does not even know his name. He is hurt and looking down he realizes that only death awaits him if he tries that direction. He looks up and thinks he just might be able to climb out of this troubling predicam...
After many years of declining crime and mostly economic growth, America suddenly starts having race driven civil unrest. Just as the racial tensions start to ease somewhat political tensions erupt. This is a story of how two couples attempt to cope w...
The once great United States slowly crumples from within due to the gradual declining of our service based economy. Slowly but steadily our economy winds down until it finally can not support itself any longer. A simple janitor watches the decline of...
This story is about the economic collapse of the US Dollar and the economy of the USA as seen and lived through by a family in rural Arizona. Naturally in the troubled times they face some hardships but having suspected something like this would happ...
This story takes place in two widely separated rural areas in the United States. When there is a complete collapse of the American Dollar and the resulting collapse of the US economy this story shows how members of one family cope with what happens i...
When three nuclear EMP missiles explode high above the United States it causes extreme devastation by taking out the whole electric grid and all electronics. People are left wondering what to do while society totally breaks down. One lone man has his...