Centuries following the destruction of the Wizard Sett by its own Black Dragon, a young wizard apprentice finds herself thrust into a magical world that she thought only existed in bedtime stories. In a twist of fate, she joins a traveling group of s...
Tianna wakes from her lifelong unquiet slumber and continues her journey of self-discovery. The magical world now knows of her existence and of her connection to the evil Black Dragon, Kai. Her prophesied role in saving all of Lagrangia does not shel...
The prophecy weighs heavily on Tianna as fate forces her to face the next great challenge in her journey -- motherhood. If being the first non-full-blooded Draak to ever carry a shapeshifting dragon child wasn't enough, her mind and body continue to ...
Tianna’s constant struggle to juggle mated life with two shapeshifting Draak came to a crashing halt when her mate, Nathaniel, came face to face with the realities of her relationship with her other loverâ€"the evil Draak wizard Kai. No longer able...
Death’s Dawn is the conclusion to the five book Blue Fire epic novel series and Tianna’s journey of self-discovery. Kai’s attack on Haven has plunged the Draak into an all-out battle for their survival, but the race of shapeshifting dragons mus...
Penny Blanchard is a young woman who ventures away from the only home she's known to embark on her own journey. Although her family supports her decision to move across the country, they are leery of her living alone in a world on the brink of war. T...