The story takes place in and around the city of New Orleans. It has a heartbreaking beginning; a young child is snatched away from her family and given to a teenage boy as a gift. She lives under slave like conditions. When she becomes a teenager she...
The girls had done their very best all school year and are being rewarded with the title of best fourth grade students. Summer is about to begin and as usual they will be split up to go spend time at their grandmothers’ homes. The aunties decide to...
A group of friends grow up in New Orleans, the main character, Dee, wakes up in the hospital not remembering anything, so he goes on the mental journey of his life. This is where he discovers how family lies can break up a family, make two friends en...
Ashley Case is a bundle of mixed emotions heading into what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Under the surface she has been feeling her way through the heartaches and tragedies in her life hoping that one day she will have the answers ...
This story follows the life of eight sisters who manages to escape from slavery. After their parents were sold, their oldest daughter Isze began plotting how she would escape with her seven sisters. Through the generations the tradition of gifting a ...
All That Matters is the Prequel to Book 4 of: Where Your Heart Belongs SeriesCelebration is always a great way to relieve stress, renew connections, find your path. Brandon and Ashley Case both have found a path to their futures. Both now married wit...
Everyone's Journey to where their heart belongs can be different. The path may show similarities to others but we all ultimately have our own path. Sedric Magid will close this series on his own search to finding where his heart belongs. Almost from ...
Shane has never been a fan of dealing with overly emotional situation. For one she had been through enough to show her that she was better off making sure she took care of herself and didn’t depend on anyone else. There wasn’t any foundation laid...
Fear the unknown, or reach out and take it for all its worth. Meet Angel Michaels the first lady of the series. For Angel there has never been a question about going after what she wants, however it seemed everyone else around her had their own opini...
The classic statement of don't judge a book by its cover describes Tormenta "Storm" Moreno completely. For just about all of her adult life she had hidden behind the wall she erected to protect herself from the world. Sure the world hadn't been playi...
The one man that's found a way to crack the shell guarding Breeze's heart has put her in time out and sent her across the country to get her shit together. The damn holding her emotions in check has cracked with the complete danger of flooding her en...
True love finds a way; its always down for the challenge through passion, heartbreak, and forgiveness. True love will guide the way to Where Your Heart Belongs. Taylor Benrist is the ultimate girl with a dream, doing everything she can to see her vis...
Tormenta Storm Moreno, the second lady in this series, has been guarding her heart for what feels like her entire adult life. Now that her career has turned down the path she's always dreamed it would, Storm is being challenged by the one thing she w...
Persistence, passion, and persuasion have gotten Gairah Passion Couvers through the most trying times in her life. Focusing on her career, avoiding the emotions of her life, and ignoring her heart's call have her knocking on the door of breakdown.In ...