Welcome to Bluford High. This widely acclaimed teen series set in an urban high school features engaging, accessible writing and appealing, contemporary storylines.Tyray Hobbs wants revenge. Weeks ago he was one of the most feared students at Bluford...
Pushed Too Far "Boy, you better shut your mouth!" Savon exclaimed, moving his face inches from Hakeem's. "Oh, so now you're gonna threaten me, right?" Hakeem challenged, his frustration at the past month's events fueling his anger. "You haven't don...
Martin Luna is in deep trouble. Just months ago, a horrible tragedy took his little brother, and now it threatens to take him too. On one side are his desperate mother, a friendly teacher at Bluford High School, and a pretty girl named Vicky. On the ...
The Truth Hurts "Darcy, are you all right? Your eyes...are you crying?" "No," she said firmly, rubbing her eyes, feeling the moisture in her hands. "I'm just tired, that's all. I need to go to bed." Darcy left Jamee and headed to her own bedroom, d...
Martin Luna's world is crumbling. A fight threatens to end his sophomore year at Bluford High, and at home, things are even worse. Frankie, the most feared bully from his neighborhood, is hunting him, and Martin doesn't know who he can turn to. Alone...
Bluford High: It's not just school--it's real life.There's no escape for Ben McKee. For weeks, he's covered the bruises on his body. He's even lied to his teachers and new friends at Bluford High. But the trouble in Ben's house isn't going away. And ...
The Bluford Series is a collection of FIFTEEN young adult novels that focus on the lives of a group of high school students and their families. The series draws its name from the school which many of the characters attend: Bluford High, named after G...
No one likes Tyray Hobbs. Once a feared bully, he has become an outcast. At Bluford High, his peers taunt him for how he treated them. At home, his parents punish him for the trouble he has caused. Unable to escape his reputation or his past, Tyray i...
Angel McAllister's worst nightmare has come true. Her best friend, Sharice Bell, has discovered her most intimate secret. And a new enemy, LaDonna Burns, is on the warpath. Gossip and rumors are spreading through school like wildfire, and Angel's c...
Classic Hockey Stories from the golden era of pulp magazines 1930s -1950s. Including:Blazing Blades - Barry Kevin, Blonde Bullet (novelette) - Giles A Lutz, Charge of the Ice Brigade (rink novel) - Joe Archibald,Double-Backed Puckster - Ralph Powers,...
Volume 2 of Classic Hockey Stories features 9 more classic hockey pulp stories, novelettes including: Rookie Came Back, High Stick Bad Man and Goalie Means Guts by Duane Yarnell. The Phantom of the Blue by Joe Gregg, Tiger of the Rink by John Wi...
For the first time in the history of the city of Cambridge, Ontario, a collection of short stories from new and established writers is being published by Fuse. Fuse is a registered charity connecting the community with local artists and their art.Fic...