Financial genius Bill Hitchcock, chosen to manage Saudi Arabia's vast oil profits, learns of the Western world's precarious financial balance and the Shah of Iran's grandiose scheme to control the entire Middle East...
When businessman Frank Rogers travels to Europe to finalize a multibillion-dollar missile deal, he finds himself in the middle of a wide-ranging bribery scheme which threatens to end America's dominant position in world affairs...
THE SILVER BEARS involves a Swiss bank controlled by the Mafia, an ancient silver mine rediscovered in Iran, bullion smugglers on the Persian Gulf and an American speculator living in England. With his great storytelling gift and singular experience ...
Money is the deadliest weapon of all...
The evidence against him is overwhelming. The prison term he's facing will last the rest of his life. And inside a country built on secrecy, Charles Black, former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, ha...