In 1844, young British Army Officer, Thomas Collins, is sent to the fledgling Republic of Texas. His mission: to meet the legendary President Sam Houston to negotiate terms for the British Empire's involvement in his country. What Thomas finds is...
Jack Finch sets out on a long, forlorn ride to find the man who killed his young wife. Unknown to Jack, Dawson Cayne, the man who committed the senseless murder, was working for a revengeful bitter old man, and that included taking out Jubal as well....
Josiah Wakefield and Dan Sturgis are young civil war veterans, employed in the Territory of Nebraska by the Union Pacific Railroad to hunt down the hired gunmen who are wrecking their supply trains. As robbery is clearly not the motive, someone must ...
Former lawman Rance Toller and his lover Angie Sutter foil a stagecoach robbery just outside the frontier settlement of Tombstone, Arizona, and in the process capture the notorious gunfighter Johnny Ringo. As a result, Rance is persuaded to accept th...
The tragic death of a twelve year old child takes place in a small, close-knit rural community. Who would have thought this could happen here? This is the story of an elementary school student who takes his own life, and the rippling effects it ha...
In the winter of 1888, a gang led by notorious desperado Taw Johnson has just survived a bruising encounter with the North West Mounted Police. Johnson realizes that he and his men stand more chance of survival if they operate from Mexico, and he ful...
Kansas in 1857 is a dangerous place to live. Lee Madden, tired of the relentless cycle of violence, joins a westward bound wagon train led by his old army friend, Jake Twelvetrees. Good with a gun, it is Lee's job to protect the settlers on their...
British Army deserter Thomas Collins is working with the Texas Rangers in Galveston to secure a supply of gunpowder, which is desperately needed back in San Antonio for the continuing struggle against the fearsome Comanche Nation. Unfortunately, Thom...
John Taggart and Jacob Stuckey are Civil War veterans who operate a ferry on the mighty Arkansas River. When two drifters pick on Jacob, Taggart ruthlessly disarms them and sends them on their way vowing revenge. But there is more trouble to come. Ru...
In 1885 a large band of half-breed Canadian rebels known as Metis, slip south over the border into Montana Territory. They carry with them a stolen Gatling gun and a strong desire to benefit, by any means, from the USA's wealth. Tough and experie...
Following on from A Return to the Alamo, Thomas Collins finds himself in Mexico with a detachment of Texas Rangers. Their mission is to escort the infamous dictator, Lopez de Santa Anna and his delectable daughter Ana de Luna inland from Vera Cruz, s...
Former Marshal Rance Toller and the recently widowed Angie Sutter are travelling through Utah, en route to Arizona, as part of the infamous Outlaw Trail. At a rundown trading post they reluctantly step in to save an elderly rancher from a vicious bea...
One year after the end of the Civil War, three southerners are heading northwest on the Bozeman Trail to the gold mining camp at Virginia City. When they find the army has closed the trail because the Sioux are on the warpath, the three friends accep...
In a sheltered basin, high up in Colorado's remote Rocky Mountains, two field collectors discover an awesome array of dinosaur bones. Knowing that two competing and irreconcilably hostile palaeontologists will pay big money for knowledge of such ...
The year is 1861 and the nation is at war. The Western Union Telegraph Company intends to connect East with West as never before, but is beset by enemies. Wires are cut and telegraph poles burned, and then matters take a far darker turn when a repair...
Josiah Wakefield and his friend Dan Sturgis are buffalo hunters on the Northern Plains of Nebraska, shortly after the Civil War. Their job is to provide meat for the labourers pushing the Union Pacific Railroad relentlessly westward. Tiring of the bl...
A hardened frontiersman, known only as Bannock, and his friend Chet Butler are escorting members of a religious sect, the Children of God, through the wastes of Sonora in Northern Mexico. The colonists, eager to be free from persecution, have fled th...
This direct sequel to The Lawmen sees Deputy United States Marshal Jesse Bronson sent north of the line into Canada, to assist with the capture of two highly dangerous American outlaws. Brin Carson and Vern Hatcher have joined up with a gang of ruthl...
Buffalo hunter Woodrow Clayton experiences the full horror of the Comanche terror at the Battle of Adobe Walls, and then again in the bloody aftermath that spreads along the frontier. He vows to help the US Army put an end to it, once and for all. Ho...
The days of slaughtering buffalo were supposedly over, mainly because there were so pitifully few of them remaining. But with top dollar on offer for their severed heads as trophies, some hunters just can't resist. In Yellowstone Park, where such poa...
John Ewing has a dream. He wants to put defeat in the war behind him, and make something of his life. In his case, that means taking a herd of three thousand Texas Longhorns along the Chisholm Trail, all the way from San Antonio to the Kansas Pacific...
1867. The USA has just purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire, and sent Colonel Jefferson Davis and part of the 9th Infantry to take possession of the last frontier. But the soldiers have barely landed on Baranof Island before two officers are brut...