The Honorable Knight is the first book in the series The Fellowship of the Ancient Covenant. In the year 1099 AD, four young adults, Ian, Jacques, Serena, and Desiree, enter into an ancient covenant to protect mankind from evil forces for a millenniu...
The Noble Mercenary is the second book in The Fellowship of the Ancient Covenant series. Our four heroes’ genesis story continues in Jerusalem, Constantinople, France, and Ireland, as they attempt to thwart the machinations of thieves, pirates, and...
The Blacksmith's Daughter is the third book in The Fellowship of the Ancient Covenant series. The Four's ancient adventures include Ian's and Jacque's service as Template Knights, Desiree becoming an apothecary, and Serena becoming a ship's captain. ...
In Mill Creek, a gripping tale of survival, Michael Dunne learns to survive his mother's mental breakdown. His paternal grandmother and grandfather take him and his baby sister, Nina, in to raise. They move to Mill Creek hollow in West Virginia where...