A book that challenges the word "powerful" and obliterates it Written in searing prose, this is the story of two boys: Erik, who performs miracles, and Thorn, who hears voices. The book chronicles their lives as their minds devolve into hallucinat...
Angus woke up mad and knew today was not his day. His dachshund, Clive, walked too slowly. His canary, Pennycake, was too loud. And to top it off, his breakfast pancakes were way too skinny. Angus was in a bad mood, and he decided to run away. He ...
The powerful story of a mind at the edge of unraveling, held together by love and acceptance. Nest and Q walk through the city. Nest speaks and Q listens. Mile by mile, Nest tells Q about her life, her family, her past . . . and her Chimaera, the ...