Staff Nurse Holly Grant was known for espousing causes, but being asked by her friend Mike to break the news to his much older brother David Quinn, the consultant on Holly’s ward, that Mike no longer wanted to study medicine, was one of the hardest...
Sister Kate Lewis’s life had been badly disrupted six years before when she had loved and lost Simon Blake. Now a visiting consultant from Canada who was spending time at the Bramleigh Hospital in Edinburgh had the same name. Since the first Simon ...
District Nurse Jenna Reid had always found her centrefold looks a problem in her career, and it seemed that her new job in the general practice run by Dr Daniel White and his brother Richards would prove to be no exception. Richard might be a philan...
Nurse Claire Forrest knew it was time to put the traumas of the past behind her. She couldn’t do much about the recurring nightmares, but she hoped the new job at Whiteleigh Hospital would help, for she had happy memories of the area. How could she...
Dr. Lisa Hallman had never expected to see Bruig again after her parents had divorced, and was astonished when she learned her father had willed it to her, along with a sizeable chunk of money. It was unfortunate that the first person she encountered...
The ten stories in Patricia Robertson's first collection of short fiction offer a somber, shadowed world of characters who strive for other, more magical destinations. The book's mood and images are stark and carefully controlled. And while Robert...
Staff Nurse Laura Osbourne was horrified to discover that the new senior surgical registrar was to be Ben Kendricks, the man she blamed for not prolonging the life of her husband, David, who had died two years ago of cancer. He wasn't likely to be i...
Heather and Scott had a plan ... Heather Langley couldn't believe that Scott McPherson was her new boss. The last time she'd seen him he'd been flat out on his back in hospital-and all because of her! And now because they so obviously knew each othe...
Set in locales and time periods as varied as nineteenth century England, contemporary Spain, and postwar Alberta, these five stories and two novellas introduce us to characters whose obsessions occupy the borderlands between fantasy and reality. In ...
Olivia Sinclair, "Leave It To The Police," is a light-hearted crime story about Olivia and her friends in their fight against the crimes levelled at the Montgomery Hotel. Olivia is the Assistant Manager of the Montgomery and is determined to keep the...
Ahead of him a sort of ragged opening was appearing, as if someone was tearing a hole in the smoke. And licking round the opening -- leaping red and orange flames, hissing and crackling. Neil felt as if he was going to throw up. The room, the whole h...
Patricia Robertson’s new collection of short fiction, Hour of the Crab, is a work of insight and mastery, each story demonstrating an original vision, intriguing characters, and sophisticated skill. Readers will travel with Robertson’s vi...