An enchanting tale revolves around a young boy Kyle Janis. His journey begins when he stumbles upon the secret entrance way to the underworld realms of fairies, trolls, gnomes, and mysterious whosawhachits. He is held prisoner by the impish purple wh...
Spring finds more than peace and solitude when she flees to her grandparent's estate home in Maine. Her decaying marriage has consumed her thoughts, leaving her feeling vulnerable with little self esteem. She discovers the old antique mirror stored i...
This enchanting series continues with more antics from Elvin and the gang. Elise heads up the new realm with her fellow pink whosawhachette's. She discovers magical pink gemstones which prove to be double trouble for the realms. Elvin escapes to the ...
This colorful well illustrated children's book is a delightful tale, and one that will have your children giggling. Have you ever wondered what your pets do when you aren't home? When the dog, cat and bird's owner leave the house for the day, the pet...
This enchanting series continues with more antics from Elvin and the gang. Elise heads up the new realm with her fellow pink whosawhachette's. She discovers magical pink gemstones which prove to be double trouble for the realms.Elvin escapes to the h...
The third book of this trilogy offers more whimsical fun and enchantment. Aliens from planet Kaboris invade the realms determined to take control of planet Earth. The realms inhabitants must come together to save the world....
The third book of this trilogy offers more whimsical fun and enchantment. Aliens from planet Kaboris invade the realms determined to take control of planet Earth. The realms inhabitants must come together to save the world....