Ella Rae Carmody, whose mother seeks fame in Hollywood and whose father seeks fame in horseracing, becomes housemaid at Fairfield Farms and attempts to breed her father's crippled mare with a champion stallion...
Raised by a loving grandfather and strict grandmother after being abandoned by her mother, illegitimate sixteen-year-old Leenie O'Brien is resentful and resistant when her mother, Mary Alice, returns and tries to get to know her daughter...
Bewildered by the news that his long-time pal, Zee, is pregnant from an encounter with a boy who cares nothing for her, seventeen-year-old Hugh finds their friendship severely tested as he tries to come to terms with his changing feelings and the des...
Eager to escape from the oppressive foster home in which she has been placed, Cat Kincaid decides to put her plans to run away on hold when she meets Hooter Lewis, a seventeen-year-old farmboy. Reprint....
Glennis moves into Aunt Wanda's home after her entire family is separated due to the imprisonment of her father for committing a white-collar crime, but Glennis has faith and visits her father often, showing him support and believing in him when othe...
When her older sister brings home her new boyfriend for the summer, Sarah is very upset, yet as she gets to know him, she really begins to enjoy his company and thus is devastated when he is sent away after her sister ends their relationship....