The people of the sentient planet, Verdantia, balanced on the brink of extinction, victims of a brutal invasion by an off-world, nomadic horde. On the entire planet, only one woman remained who could partner Conte Camliel Aristos deTano in a perilous...
Mentally scarred from her years as prisoner to the off-world invaders, Lady Sophillia Glorianna DeLorion, doubts she can be a fit sexual partner for any man - even one whose passionate green eyes make her remember what it is to desire. Commander of t...
Who would've thought a rogue nobleman and a secret agent tied in shibari knots would be so instrumental in saving a world from sexual slavery."Ramsey desperately needs a pardon. The catch: Win a grueling and bloody gladiator game. His consolation: El...
Freed after years as a sex slave, only a unique man could capture Angelica’s heart. She never anticipated finding two.Captain of the starship VNV Revertar, Magellan DeLan is immediately attracted to his priority passenger, the lovely, intelligent D...
To businesswoman, Dallas Hutchinson, the suite at the St. Regis in New York City was an extravagant gift from a grateful corporate client. The resident billionaire was an unexpected bonus. Theo Stockard's heart was well armored against a beautiful, c...
Lady Eleanor Russell needed a husband. Immediately. With no male heir, when her father died, the vast family estate would revert to the Crown. But no man would choose an unattractive, outspoken, independent, spinster of mature years as a bride -- so ...
No discovery could be more...