The President is a gripping action thriller with a strong Christian message for the individual and the nation. Originally published in 1995, The President reads like today's newspaper. Mid-way through his term, a secular-humanist President beco...
Richard Sullivan has a problem. His average American family is on the edge of ruin and they don't even realize it. The Sullivans are struggling through everyday life with a dark power over them so strong that they cannot find their way -- a power tha...
Ten Lies and Ten Truths is a compilation of intriguing short stories, each exploring one of the foundational lies in American life today. The subjects include marriage, abortion, character, relative truth and macro-evolution. Immediately following ea...
Enemy In The Room is a fast paced geo-political thriller, intersected by the fateful choices of a modern prodigal daughter. An American CEO is secretly committed to killing the President and destroying the nation. His employees are unwittingly carryi...