Abby Tuttle Tingle, 24-year-old Lauren Tingle’s beloved grandmother, has vanished from her fishing boat along the treacherous Pacific Ocean’s Northern California coastline. Lauren, the sole heir to Abby’s estate, returns to the lighthouse compl...
Deeply disenchanted with their lot as steel sculptors, Pam and Roy are driven by forces both unseen and of their own making to embark upon a long and tough battle to change the status quo. What they cannot know is that in achieving their perceived go...
The Family Who Loved Me tells the story through the home's point of view as it went from a small, neglected home to a beautiful and much-loved home. The home shares its thought and feelings about the family that took a chance on a small home that nee...
After the loss of her husband, Jack, Molly faces an uncertain future. She embarks on a quest to secure the survival of the steel sculpture museum they built together. Against the backdrop of her ongoing struggles with obstructive Officials, copious a...