Amy Evans, arboreal journalist, finds herself the subject of unwanted attentions from a secret admirer who is also a big creep, while her attempts to expose the shady doings of her adopted grandparent's landlord threatens to get her grounded...
Introduces Amy, Erin, Robin, and Leah, proud reporters and publishers of "The Treehouse Times," as they encounter their first controversy when Roddy Casper shoplifts and Mr. Korn bans all under-twelve-year-olds from his store....
Erin's friend Daphne jets in from L.A. and ruffles a few feathers among the Times's editors, especially Amy, who is displeased with her Rupert Murdoch-esque approach to newspapering and the flip advice she dispenses as guest columnist...
Researching a story about a corporation that has been dumping toxic waste, the girls run into trouble when a well-meaning biologist provides them with inaccurate information about the level of mercury poisoning the river...
Megan's family is Christmas crazy! Her father's the head Santa at a local department store. As her father's handy helper elf, she's got to grit her teeth and get through the cheer. Then Megan discovers that Grady--the kid who's been hanging around Sa...
Horrified when her best friend shoplifts a pair of earrings that Claudia admired and presents them to her as a gift, Claudia does not know what to do when Jody tries to make Claudia shoplift, too. Original....
He's hairy. He's scary. He's escaped. He is Hecula the He-Beast -- the coolest monster in comic book history. And Jamie Kolker is his number-one fan. Jamie loves the He-Beast's horns. His teeth. claws. And especially the way he hunts his prey. ...
More than anything, Beatrice longs to be a schoolgirl. But in her small African village, only children who can afford uniforms and books can go to school. Beatrice knows that with six children to care for, her family is much too poor.But then Beatric...
When Fletcher Perry mysteriously wins the bid for a genuine mummy’s coffin at a magician’s tag sale, he decides to use it as a prop in his upcoming magic show at school. Then Fletcher and his new assistant, the mega-popular Arielle Torres, find t...