Desperate and dying, with their society plunged into chaos at the hands of the Plague Bringers, Laedian Fayersae has led her people to Hauden on the winds of a misunderstood foretelling. Silent and fading, with their ancient fires extinguished at the...
Destruction, hatred, death; the Darkening has awakened whispers long silent on Hauden, yet the grasping tendrils of prejudice threaten to choke the quiet voices of harmony before they can take root. Laedian Fayersae's long struggle to unify the House...
Unity without strength, harmony without power - Hauden still weeps with the blood of slaughtered innocents. Laedian Fayersae's long struggle to unite the Houses and the Nations has succeeded, but despite her efforts that have ended the bloodlust, the...
Blood of HaudenBook Four in the Harmony of the Othar SagaTime, that precious of all things, grows short. The Kayonkwe have ended their long exile and are returning to Hauden, and the young Niwa’a Rawenniyo continue to strengthen on the power of...
My name is Ameliah Doyle Engle and I will kill a man. I will not kill this man for cold justice or hot vengeance. I will kill this man to try to silence the echoes of my father begging for his life before this animal threw a match into his bleeding k...
The young Niwa'a Rawenniyo wait to see if the Khe'kenha Othar have the ability to harness the power of the elements and become true servants. Laedian leads the Khe'kenha Othar at her side north into the Waste, a bold attempt to take the war directly ...
em·pa·thy noun ˈem-pə-th"
2: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without...
syn·the·sis noun ˈsin(t)-thə-səs
plural syn·the·ses ˈsin(t)-thə-ˌs"z
3 b : the combination of separate elements of sensation or thought into a whole (as of simple into complex conceptions or of ...
clone noun ˈklōn
plural clones
2 : one that is or appears to be a copy of an original
The exact meaning doesn’t need to apply for the conceptual concept to come into existence non-organically...
pri·mor·di·al adjective (ˈ)prī-¦mȯr-d"-əl
2 : constituting a basis or starting point : existing independently
Even ignoring the concepts of precursor or first, we do hold the nuance of the unexplainable...
in·dig·e·nous adjective in-ˈdi-jə-nəs
2 : originating or developing or produced naturally in a particular land, region, or environment
There was enough evidence in the archeological record to suggest humans had e...
dev·o·lu·tion noun ˌdevəˈlüshən also -vəlˈyü-
2 a : descent or passage through a series (as of stages in development)
b : retrograde evolution : degeneration
A catastrophic de...
1time noun ˈtīm
plural times
a : a period during which something (as an action, process, or condition) exists or continues : an interval comprising a limited and continuous action, conditi...
An unpredictable enemy is a dangerous enemy, but when both sides mix desperation with the conviction that they are the superior species, a final victor is uncertain. The children have chosen to take the fight to their enemies despite the reservations...