Synopsis: The Widow of Rachets tells the slightly supernatural and highly ominous story of American Lyndsay Kramer Dolben, an attractive newlywed who arrives in England to rejoin her husband only to be immediately informed of his recent death. Overco...
"A chilling thriller in the tradition of The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby ... It ranks among the scary best!"- New York Post She was foster-mother to a strange band of paranormal children. The townspeople joked about the "freak-farm" she ran, b...
Out on the dimly lit nighttime streets, a psychopathic killer stalks young boys, finding unspeakable ecstasy in the hellfire fusion of twisted lust and grisly murder. At the other end of the city another man, Steven Cole, is in torment -- from his...
When the idyllic love shared by Julie Wells and Barry Irving is threatened by Jo-Jo, an imaginary companion from Julie's childhood who sets forces in motion to keep Julie to himself, Julie turns to psychiatrist Russell Dunn...
The "Gatherer," an almost-human scarecrow, sets out to punish those who have sinned and anybody else who gets in the way of its terrifying thirst for retribution, in a chilling tale of ritual murder and horrifying violence...