Seventeen-year-old Aiko lives a life of casual sex and casual violence, though at heart she remains a schoolgirl with an unrequited crush on her old classmate Yoji Kaneda. Life is about to get harder for Aiko, as a recent fling, Sano, has been kidnap...
When I open my eyes, I find myself in an unfamiliar car, in an unfamiliar town, in front of the on-ramp to an unfamiliar highway. Before I can process any of this, I see the fiery explosions of multiple car crashes in the distance, and without thinki...
The bizarre serial killer who crashes her victims’ cars while riding inside them strikes again-only this time, her target is one of the field analysts pursuing her! And just as the Wakumusubi stolen off this latest victim picks up a fresh drive to ...
Not only has a Wakumusubi been stolen from the Kura, but now a mysterious group of masked men has abducted the “suicide princess,” Mana Tsurumi, from their custody too! As the sheer scale of this real-world conspiracy begins to take shape, a new ...