Ten years after training with renowned martial arts Master Wu Wei, Dante is sent to attend a special promotion. After participating in the special promotion, Dante finds himself thrust into the hidden world of the Spiritual Warriors, a group of men a...
Takashi Fujita is dying. Chased by the Shadow Blades-a group of relentless assassins, he must find help and make it to safety before the poison in his body kills him. Using only his skills and experience he will be forced to confront the traitor in...
For over one hundred years, Central Park has been a maximum security prison. Home to creatures of unimaginable power, the Unholy, they have been kept imprisoned by the wards that surround the park. Over time the wards have been weakened, and only one...
For over one hundred years, Central Park has been a maximum security prison. Home to creatures of unimaginable power, they are kept imprisoned by the wards that surround the park. Now those wards are failing and people are dying. Creatures, called th...
Ascendants are being killed and the barrier between worlds is failing. Dante, along with a group of Warriors and Guardians must confront the Harbinger. An undying servant of Lucius, a killer who can’t die. His purpose is to destroy the barriers and...
In a nearly fatal ritual, the shadow of Lucius has seared Dante, stripping him of Maelstrom and cutting him off from his chi. Dante, now a fallen warrior must find a way to undo the searing using only his skill and training to face those who want him...