Every battle leaves its mark...Ex-Special Forces soldier Alex Abbott escaped the Middle East under a cloud and now lives hand-to-mouth in Singapore. Scraping a living as a gun for hire and estranged from his family, Abbott is haunted by ghosts of the...
THE NEW THRILLER FROM THE NUMBER 1 BESTSELLING AUTHORRevenge is a game you can't afford to lose...He turns the groaning Abbott over, puts the barrel of the gun to the back of his head.'We're doing him a favour,' he says. 'I know a guy with a death-wi...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Ollie Ollerton has published 3 books.
Ollie Ollerton does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, All Or Nothing, was published in November 2021.
The first book by Ollie Ollerton, Break Point, was published in May 2019.