Peder Victorious, the sequel to Rolvaag's massive Giants in the Earth, continues the saga of the Norwegian settlers in the Dakotas. Here again, years later, are all the sturdy pioneers of the earlier novel, Rolvaag's "vikings of the prairie" Per Hans...
Susie Doheny, an Irish Catholic, and Peder Holm, a Norwegian Lutheran, fall in love and marry in South Dakota in the 1890s. Soon their marriage is tested by drought, depression, and family bickering. Susie believes they are being tested by their fath...
From the rocky, mist-enshrouded shores of Norway to the bustling streets of Minneapolis, O. E. Rølvaag lyrically chronicles the experiences of Nils Vaag, a young Norwegian immigrant. Abandoning the life of a fisherman in Nordland, a region poor but ...
First published in English in 1927, “Giants in the Earth” is the Norwegian novel by Norwegian-American author Ole Edvart Rolvaag which relates the struggles of a group of Norwegian immigrants to the Great Plains of America in the 1870s. A Norwegi...