The five companions of Silent Hall must determine where they stand in the battle of the gods -- a thrilling continuation of the epic fantasy trilogy inspired by Jewish theology In wake of the battle of Silent Hall, the city of Ardis...
Five bedraggled refugees and a sinister wizard awaken a dragon and defy the gods. After their homeland is struck with a deadly plague, five refugees cross the continent searching for answers. Instead they find Psander, a wizard whose fortress is i...
The Gods are Drawing Battle Lines In wake of the battle of Silent Hall, the city of Ardis is reeling, its leaders frightened and disorganized. The remaining oracle of the god Ravennis has resurfaced there and is spreading a new gospel -- one ...
Wizards war against gods to save the world, in the electrifying conclusion to the Godserfs epic fantasy series. The End Times have arrived. For over a decade, the wizard Phaedra has had a single, vital task: to keep the world of the elves sep...