The life of Ryoko Hayakawa, a hard-core otaku, came to an abrupt end the day before her 35th birthday, before she was reincarnated as a beautiful prince in a fantasy world. However, her dream-like royal life didn’t last long, as she soon uncovered ...
Prince Herscherik (previously the 35-year-old Japanese woman Ryoko Hayakawa) continues to fight against the powerful corruption in his kingdom and the puppet-master minister Barbosse. Now that he’s 5, Herscherik earned his own room and office among...
Ryoko Hayakawa, now reincarnated as Prince Herscherik of Gracis Kingdom, is about to turn seven years old. He has no athletic skills, no magic, and can’t even claim to be a great beauty among the royal family, but he still can’t afford to keep pl...
Some years have passed since the otaku spinster, Ryoko Hayakawa, was reincarnated as the Seventh Prince of Gracis, Herscherik. As Herscherik approaches his seventh spring, his campaign to save his kingdom faces an unprecedented challenge -- the Atrad...
Having defended itself against the invasion of the Atrad Empire and successfully eliminated the darkness choking the life out of the country, Gracis is now busy preparing for the upcoming harvest festival. Seven-year-old Prince Herscherik, the key fi...