Edith grows up in her big sister Vivienne's shadow. While the beautiful Viv is forced by the girls' overbearing mother to compete in child beauty pageants, plain-looking Edith follows in her father's footsteps: collecting oddities, studying coins, an...
A teenaged pacifist and a PTSD-afflicted Marine form an unexpected bond over a secret buried in a decommissioned nuclear missile silo.Twyla Jane Lee has one goal. To finish senior year so she can get out of her military hometown of Halo, Montana. But...
A charming, deeply felt novel about human connection and finding music between the notes When opera singer Dawn Woodward has an onstage flameout, all she wants is to be left alone. She’s soon faced with other complications the day her husband annou...
From the author of Harper's Bazaar Hottest Breakout Novel comes a multi-layered, emotionally resonant story. In 1939, as the Great Depression winds down and war in Europe looms, the small Prairie community of Grayley is all but abandoned. Abel Dodds ...