Inspired by Brighton as a state of mind as much as a place, Nigel Richardson returns after a gap of 20 years to capture its spirit. The narrative is woven from strands of memoir, travelogue, reportage, and fiction, and touches on actors and fantasist...
Mungo's world falls apart when his dad falls ill and dies. Grieving and angry at his loss, his life is further disrupted by his mother's decision to leave the family home in London and move to a cottage in the middle of the countryside. Mungo finds i...
Fourteen-year-old Graham Sinclair was born with huge, strange hands. He was also born with a secret. The only time he ever told someone his secret, it got him into big trouble. So he won't be telling anyone ever again--or so he thinks. In this suspen...
Dog Days in Soho is the fictionalised biography of a real man. Its setting is the boozy penumbra of Fifties bohemia - and the increasingly erratic imagination of the biographer. The book's hero, a Cornish boy sailor called Josh Avery, fought, drank a...