Now twenty-four, the future looks promising for Robin Gibson, until doubts intrude and events take a turn to challenge his certainties. Not yet the time when a gay lifestyle can be pursued with impunity, he faces upheavals that rock his world. Set...
Approaching adulthood, the life before him is a blanker canvas than Robin Gibson realises. As his preconceptions fall, he discovers love and learns what it means to be gay in England at the end of the sixties, embracing a lifestyle at variance with a...
At twenty-nine and embarking with optimism upon another new chapter in his life, Robin Gibson will face circumstances that conspire to throw him off his charted course. When change comes, it is seismic in nature, forcing unprecedented self-examina...
Now settled into the long term relationship that began in such unorthodox fashion, for the first time in his life Robin Gibson can look forward to a future based on mutual interests and shared goals with his soul-mate. He couldn’t imagine how co...