A luminous and unforgettable first novel by an astonishing new voice in fiction, hailed by Esquire magazine as “one of America’s best young writers.”Samson Greene, a young and popular professor at Columbia, is found wandering in the Nevada des...
Fourteen-year-old Alma Singer is trying to find a cure for her mother's loneliness. Believing that she might discover it in an old book her mother is lovingly translating, she sets out in search of its author. Across New York an old man named Leo Gur...
For twenty-five years, a reclusive American novelist has been writing at the desk she inherited from a young Chilean poet who disappeared at the hands of Pinochet's secret police; one day a girl claiming to be the poet's daughter arrives to take it a...
Hailed by "The New York Times" as "one of America's most important novelists," international bestselling author Nicole Krauss ("The History of Love," "Great House") is among the most ambitious and distinctive writers of our time. Her chilling new sho...
Nicole Krauss conjures an achingly beautiful and breathtakingly original novel about personal transformation that interweaves the stories of two disparate individuals--an older lawyer and a young novelist--whose transcendental search leads them to th...
In this dazzling collection of short fiction, the National Book Award Finalist and New York Times bestselling author of The History of Love explores what it means to be in a couple, and to be a man or a woman in that perplexing relationship and beyon...