The prequel to Unsinkable, this gripping novella tells the story of two sisters who become mortal enemies in their struggle for love and independence -- until they are the only black family on the Titanic. Corinne’s big sister, Astrid, has alway...
A provocative novel about the only black family on board the Titanic -- a beautiful, intimate look at racial tension, family discord, and how love conquers all. Fifteen-year-old Corinne LaRoche’s life changes one evening when she returns home a...
Caviar Dreams tells the tale of one woman’s search for love, though she usually lusts for a life of luxury -- but this time maybe she’ll try lowering her standards, just a bit.Naomi’s boyfriend may have a great job and buy her nice things, but ...
Would you compromise your marriage to get out of debt? Naomi and DeShaun seem to have the perfect life, but when money runs low, they have to face the hard truth: Nothing lasts forever. DeShaun and Naomi think they have it all: a wonderful marria...