Now in her second year and second term of high school, Tomoko comes face to face with a new nightmare--the class trip! The first obstacle that awaits her is the dreaded "picking of groups," where an unexpected pitfall lurks...Then comes departure! St...
As the dreaded class trip comes to an end, it leaves an unexpected boon in its wake-Tomoko has gotten juuust a bit more capable of conversing with her classmates! But never fear! The trials of an antisocial butterfly are unending, and Tomoko now has ...
Tomoko's caught in a love triangle...and she doesn't even know it yet! First-year Akari is head-over-heels for Tomoko's kid brother, Tomoki. But thanks to Komi's meddling, Akari thinks she and Tomoko are rivals in love! When the three girls finally g...
As the third term of her second year in high school gets into full swing, Tomoko finds conversations blooming all around her! The days of awkward interactions with her classmates seem no more than a distant memory. Have the kids at school matured? Pe...
As the third term of her second year in high school rolls around, Tomoko's looking like she just might be about to graduate from loserdom! With all the time she's been spending with the girls from the field trip, are her days as a loner numbered?! ...
In the first term of her third year of high school, Tomoko goes on a school field trip. But the girls walking around with her have all kinds of issues! How will Tomoko intervene (or not) with the angst-laden lineup? ...
Tomoko’s schedule is looking surprisingly packed this days. Between trips to the mall, open-campus events with friends, and surprise family visits, she hardly has any time to herself! All this socializing can really wear a girl out -- life without ...
Tomoko’s come a long way from her lonely freshman days, but some things never change. More friends just mean more opportunites for uncomfortable moments and conversations, and Tomoko’s determined to take advantage of every last one! With college ...
Tomoko’s life as a social butterfly continues as the day of the Class Matchups arrives! This time, she’s participating in the Ping-Pong tournament and even going to see her classmates compete! Still, some things never change -- after getting her ...
Tomoko’s suspension is finally over, and all her friends are waiting! With the final summer vacation of high school just around the corner, she’s determined to spend it studying to get into Aogaku, the same college as Katou…but before that, it...
With all the studying Tomoko’s doing, her last summer of high school is star ting to feel like a drag. Tomoko’s determined to try something crazy before the training camp begins, and she’s got the perfect idea to spice things up-dye her hair! W...
With her final year of high school quickly approaching, Tomoko is enjoying her last days of freedom with Nemo in Akihabara, and they've got a busy schedule! First up-browsing self-published manga and other less-savory merchandise at Summer-ket, and n...
It’s back to school one last time for Tomoko and friends, who have their final school festival to plan! Tomoko’s big idea is to make a movie, but there's only one problem -- she’s too awkward to properly convey her idea to the class! Luckily, h...
Tomoko’s movie still hasn’t gotten off the ground, and she’s in desperate need of inspiration. Stalling for reference material, she goes with Yuu and Komi to visit the culture festival at Yuu’s school. Seeing some of the other students’ wor...
Only three weeks remain until her film’s screening, and Tomoko’s got a lot of work to do! Ever the thinking woman, she skips class to come up with some new ideas when Yoshida gives her a burst of inspiration. With a brand-new scenario in mind, sh...
The start of the culture festival draws near, and filming for the movie is about to end. Nemo is having second thoughts about her unsavory role in the production, but it seems to be a huge hit with the others -- for better or worse! Conversely, when ...
The movie is almost done, and the very last culture festival of Tomoko’s high school career is about to begin! But there’s still plenty of editing to do, so she drags everyone down to the bathhouse for an all-nighter. Between sauna endura...
The curtain rises! Tomoko’s little brother, Tomoki, is about to star in his class’s play for the Culture Fest. But a surprise announcement from Sayaka puts everyone on high alert, and after a shocking incident during the play, all of Tomo...