On the planet of Thera, magical use is an everyday occurrence, but few individuals are capable of anything more than simple parlor tricks. It is also a planet whose environmental problems and crime rates are off the charts, and its inhabitants are cl...
Malcolm BonLore is a young cadet at the Air Force Academy, with a promising future. He is well on his way to becoming a fighter pilot and is very much in love with his girlfriend, whom he is about to propose to. He appears to have the world by the ta...
Detective Carla McBride's experience, patience, and emotional psyche are being put to the test. Risking her life investigating dangerous situations, her nemesis, John Dickerson, is still out there-lurking in the background-and, with a psychotic game ...
In the summer of 1997, Penny Miracle, a beautiful, mature teenager, disappeared without a trace. On that day, up-and-coming rookie police officer, Carla McBride, was one of the first officers to arrive on the scene. Bernie Kowalski, who had just achi...
As the Vietnam War rages, a young coach tries to teach a struggling grade-school football team about winning, losing, and the importance of honor . . . As the Osborne family gathers to celebrate young Lou’s college graduation ...
Oakmont is a small peaceful town in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky-until it's brought to its knees by a heinous crime with a cornucopia of possible suspects. When the lead detective on the case is unexpectedly suspended, Police Chief Brock Evans lo...