In this taut debut thriller, Nichole Christoff introduces a savvy private investigator with nerves of steel -- and a shattered heart. As a top private eye turned security specialist, Jamie Sinclair has worked hard to put her broken marriage be...
In an explosive thriller for readers of Lee Child, Alex Berenson, and Brad Taylor, P.I. and security specialist Jamie Sinclair finds herself caught in a dangerous game of international cat-and-mouse. Jamie Sinclair’s father has never asked h...
NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY LIBRARY JOURNAL • In an intense thriller that’s perfect for fans of Lee Child or Lisa Gardner, security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair tackles a cold case that could cost her the one person who means t...
Security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair finds herself in deadly waters off the steamy Gulf Coast in this combustible thriller from the award-winning author of The Kill Box. Never in her life has Jamie Sinclair anticipated a weekend getaway m...
Security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair crosses interstate boundaries -- and personal ones too -- in this electrifying thriller from an award-winning author who “understands how to keep her readers riveted from beginning to end” (USA Today). Wi...
Security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair shoots for the stars in this breakneck thriller. Her enemies shoot to kill. “[Nichole Christoff] understands how to keep her readers riveted from beginning to end.” -- USA Today In Jamie Sinclair...