Drawn from actual events, a dramatic debut novel, centered around the aftermath of the brutal death of Yusuf Hawkins, a black teenager, at the hands of a gang of young white men in 1989, follows Tony Santangelo, one of the young men responsible, as h...
If the Sky Falls is the debut short-story collection from award-winning fiction writer Nicholas Montemarano. These eleven stories show why Jayne Anne Phillips has called Montemarano "an American stylist capable of redeeming our darkest dreams."
A novel that asks if love ever really has to die The power to solve your problems is within you-with the right sense of belief, the mind's ability to create success, happiness, and health is limitless. At least that's the philosophy of self-he...
"It's hard to look so deeply into other people's lives that you really understand them, except perhaps through fiction, and that is what Montemarano has done here, with deftness and subtlety." -- The New York Times In a country that loves second cha...