Left behind on a hostile planet, Mykl finds that Ego, a friendly computer, is no substitute for human companionship and meets a Gypsy girl named Amina who figures out the planet's terrible secret which makes escape nearly impossible...
At the end of the 22nd century, following a nuclear accident, the birth rate is falling.Faced with a rapidly shrinking human race, governments come up with a solution: new people from old. Cloning.But these Reborn people are kept closely monitored, i...
When 14 year old Matt lands a job with his hero - world-famous monster maker, Chancey Balogh - he can't believe his luck! Chancey has made lifesize mechanical monsters for Hollywood blockbusters and his reputation for scaring the living daylights out...
At first, the day seems like any other Sunday in a quiet English village... but then something very strange starts to happen. In each house, the clocks go bonkers, their hands whizzing round like lightning. And in each house, the adults go a little b...
A crazed and dying Flight Lieutenant, nine village children, a top-secret spacecraft - all of them out of control and adrift in space! Someone must take charge. But who?Brylo has the brains, but not the personality, so it is the powerful young bully ...
Lucas thinks his sister is barmy. She spends hours 'talking' to her pets. But when a world catastrophe threatens, Lettice's affinity with animals seems to offer a way of escape......
Vinny and Toby can make things happen just by using their minds. As Vinny stares at a box of ants, she feels as though she is plugging into a giant power socket. It is then that she hears a voice, letting her know that the ants plan to take over the ...
The dog gasped, mouthed, swung its head. It gaped and showed sharp white teeth. Then, as if it were being sick, it brought up words. The dog spoke . . .Madi and her brother Jonjo live on the OzBase, a research center near the North Pole. Their mother...