Zeryl continues his journey to attain all the relics before the Aurora Animae Rebirth. But encounters many difficulties from a city that vanishes mysteriously, dealing with emotional stress, to nearly being absolved by antimatter. Zeryl must learn ho...
Join a boy named Zeryl, who loses his parents from a tragedy caused by an evil tyrant. He awaits the day of the Aurora Animae Rebirth when he can exact his revenge on this tyrant and avenge his parents. To accomplish this task he must first attain th...
Zeryl continues his journey to attain all the relics before the Aurora Animae Rebirth. But encounters many difficulties. From a city that vanishes mysteriously, to dealing with emotional stress, to nearly being absolved by antimatter . Zeryl must lea...
Since the disappearance of his grandfather five years ago, Xeonix took it upon himself to find out what happened to him. Living up to the reputation of his family name, he must master ancient sword skills and arts, while attempting to make allies alo...
Join a boy who awakens trapped within an abandoned hospital organized by doctors with peculiar intentions. Without any memories of who he was, he wonders the building, discovering the mysteries lying in secret while endangering himself solving puzzle...