The first installment in a “charming” cozy mystery series set at Kensington Palace and starring “a gutsy heroine” -- a perfect read for foodies and royal fanatics (Kirkus Reviews)! The new, American-born chef to the British royal family mus...
When Carrie Ann Cole bakes a lemon meringue pie to die for that actually kills someone, she must find out who the real killer is before her time at the Kensington Palace expires.The elegant Orangery at Kensington Palace is the perfect setting for the...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Nell Hampton has published 2 books.
Nell Hampton does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Lord of the Pies, was published in April 2018.
The first book by Nell Hampton, Kale to the Queen, was published in April 2017.