Blending fantasy and science fiction, N. E. Davenport’s fast-paced, action-packed debut kicks off a duology of loyalty and rebellion, in which a young Black woman must survive deadly trials in a racist and misogynistic society to become an elite wa...
Legendborn meets Red Rising in this stunning conclusion to N. E. Davenport’s fast-paced, sexy, action-packed sci-fantasy duology. Elite warrior Ikenna and her rogue cohort must outrun bounty hunters, their former comrades, and a...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
N.E. Davenport has published 2 books.
N.E. Davenport does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Blood Gift, was published in April 2023.
The first book by N.E. Davenport, The Blood Trials, was published in April 2022.