General Synopsis of the five-part Adventure Series From the very beginning, over four million years ago, the fossil record reveals that the flow of hominid evolution has always been episodic rather than gradual. Due to some unpredictable perturbation...
In this action-packed series, spanning five episodes, Zak and his cronies along with world-class scholars of the Life Sciences strive to identify, describe and understand the intricacies of human evolution by scrutinizing every fragment of fossilized...
In this riveting third episode of the five-part Hominid series, Dr. Brelvi delves into the pre-verbal world of our early ancestors living 2.2 million years ago. Zak and friends, along with Dr. Abu Baqr, an intrepid Arab paleontologist from Khartoum, ...
In this riveting third episode of the five-part Hominid series, Dr. Brelvi delves into the pre-verbal world of our early ancestors living 2.2 million years ago.Zak and friends, along with Dr. Abu Baqr, an intrepid Arab paleontologist from Khartoum, e...